781-218-9579 [email protected]

Sometimes comfort isn’t what you need.

As difficult as it can be, sometimes the cold, hard, truth is what you need to hear.

We all have friends who think we are amazing (at least I hope we all have at least one friend like that). And that friend is the one who is by our side, the one who we call, text, or meet up, just so they can tell us that things will be OK. That friend could merely be a “yes-man” (or woman); “a person (especially a man) who agrees with everything that someone says.” This kind of “help” won’t actually help you though.

That friendly compassion can feel wonderful. Their faith in you can help ease your mind and aid in the transition from one emotion to another, from one situation to the next. But if they are merely offering blind approval, placating you to simply “make you feel better”, that might not be as helpful as you would think.

When you are faced with tough, life-changing decisions, sometimes it’s beneficial to have a coach who can objectively listen and discuss your issue (without fear of losing your friendship, etc.). A coach who isn’t part of your daily life, who can learn about, and discuss without holding back.

It’s not always easy, but sometimes that’s just what the doctor ordered.

Contact me to set up and appointment! I’d love to help.