781-218-9579 [email protected]

Learn to be ‘content’ (with yourself)

Forget about learning how to deal with problems; learn how to be “content” with yourself. As we learn and grow from young children through adulthood, learning how to “solve problems” is a big piece of how we grow and interact with others. Being...

What to expect when divorcing

Divorce is a “state level” action, meaning each state treats divorce differently. But the overall process is largely the same. Much like a drivers license is given by one state, it is honored in the others – same with divorce. Here’s what to...

Help with managing your emotions

Divorce can be an tremendously emotional experience. Good, bad, angry, whatever emotion you can think of, it probably comes up during divorce. One approach that can help you manage those emotions is to think of the divorce like a business transaction; something like...

All Lawyers are not equal…

But, you don’t necessarily need the most expensive one either – you need the right one for YOU. The courts are supposed to be impartial, but anyone who has been to court knows that this isn’t always true. What does impartiality have to do with it?...

Divorce is hard on EVERYONE…

Especially if there are kids involved. Let’s get one thing straight, divorce is not a game to be played between adversaries. As much as you might want to “win” (however you describe that), it’s an adult action that the children should be kept...