781-218-9579 [email protected]

Divorce can be an tremendously emotional experience.

Good, bad, angry, whatever emotion you can think of, it probably comes up during divorce. One approach that can help you manage those emotions is to think of the divorce like a business transaction; something like buying a car – or selling a used car. Yes you have a history with your used car, probably some good memories (and likely some bad), but in the end, you are “just” selling a car.

A divorce, although a LOT more emotional than the purchase or sale of a car, is similar in many aspects. You’ll have to go through your belongings and split them up. That activity can be very emotional, as I’m sure many things will have memories attached to them. To make this easier for you, quietly consider whether or not that “thing” is really important to you, or are you just trying to keep your spouse from “getting it” in the divorce?

I’d like to think that almost everyone has been there, but the problem is that it becomes destructive. If you start to do it, they start to do it, then you end up sitting there splitting up your Beanie Babies in front of the judge. Not only is this counter-productive to getting things done, it’s a huge waste of everyone’s time and YOUR money.

I’m certainly not advocating that you give up everything, but things will go a lot more smoothly if each of you can make a conscious effort to work together to get things done.

As always, please contact me to set up a time where we can discuss this further.